Unlike it's acronym-twin, Save the Dates ("STDs") are actually good -- they let all your guests know the date of your wedding well in advance for planning purposes. Although our wedding is in the States, it's still somewhat of a "destination" wedding, with Newport being a touristy seaport town. Many of our guests will be traveling from outside Rhode Island, and since it's the start of the "busy" season, they will need to make hotel arrangements ASAP. With this in mind, I'm hoping to send out our STDs in August, which is a good 9 months prior to our date.
I've been toying around with the "what" and the "how" of my STDs, though. At first, I was set on doing "messages in a bottle," which can actually be sent through the mail without utilizing boxes. Then, that seemed a little to kitschy, and the little scroll wouldn't be large enough to put all the information that I want to include on it.

My second idea was to do luggage tags. Ebay has some really cute chrome ones, shaped like planes or with hearts on them, that come in their own individual boxes. The problem with these though is the price. At almost $2/each, plus the cost of shipping them out to our guests, it would put us over budget.

Next, I was getting desperate and thought we'd just send postcards with our information. But, then I read an article on Weddingbee.com, which said that by the time many of the postcards arrived, they were damaged. I don't want our guests first "experience" with our wedding to be "damaged."
So, where does that leave us? I want something that gives our guests a taste of what our wedding will be like -- something modern, fun and, ultimately, very classy. I want to provide them with enough information to entice them to make the trek to Newport, RI, and I want to highlight the necessity of booking rooms early. What do I have in mind? You'll just have to wait and see....
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