To continue with the china and registry theme, I wanted to share another new obsession: the Nambe Twist Collection. Nambe, (pronounced na:m'bei), was named after an ancient village not far from Santa Fe. Today, Nambé is a company recognized worldwide for its award-winning designs and admired for its dedication to both artistic integrity and everyday functionality. They include both metal alloy and crystal pieces. Perhaps you'll recall "Nambe" from my previous "Bull Market" post -- it was a Nambe frame that MOH knocked over. The Nambe Twist Collection is very unique, and it blends contemporary and tradition in much the same way as our china pattern. From the Nambe website:

"The Twist Collection is poetry in motion, from airy wine glasses with twisty metal stems to heavy yet softly contoured metal bowls. Creations primarily of designer Fred Bould, these items of functional art take their design cue from his fascination with the spiraling helix. The sense of motion captured in the metal is palpable. Twist includes a fabulous cocktail shaker, votives, vases, candlesticks, napkin rings, and salt-and-pepper shakers, joined by a striking Neil Cohen tray, making this one of our most comprehensive collections. The flash of crystal and the warm wood on the salad servers add even more texture to this fluid metal tableware."
I think the entire collection is fabulous, and I've registered for many pieces, including the wine and martini glasses and flutes. Unfortunately, these crystal and alloy glasses are $75 a pop, so it's obviously going to be a collection that I have to build up over time. The collection includes a martini shaker, many vases, napkin rings, and several alloy and crystal bowls.

While there is no Nambe Twist silverware collection, I did find an amazingly similar collection by Oneida. The "Satin Aquarius" collection has intertwining "ropes" of satin and polished stainless steel. The result looks "twisted." Overall, I think it matches very well with the Nambe Twist pieces!

Do you think these pieces will go well with my china collection? Anyone want to make a bet on how long it will take me to actually get the whole Nambe Twist Collection? Maybe by the time I have grandkids...
At least you're planning on having kids to get grandkids. Will it be in my lifetime? I love the whole collection and think they fit well together. If I know you, you'll have them long before you have grandkids!
Correction: it was a FRAME not a vase that was knocked over.
Correction noted. :)
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