I apologize for the long absence, but the past week and a half have been crazy busy. It was my last week in NYC, and while I loved the city and my fabulous internship, I was more than ready to come home to FI and my puppies. Traveling back and forth between Boston and NYC every weekend is NOT fun! If I never see another Greyhound bus again, it'll be too soon.
I did manage to get a lot accomplished last week, though. MOH and I went to Macy's on Monday to set up my registry there. Two kids in a candy store, we were not. More like two bulls in a china shop. First, I somehow managed to knock over an entire row of silverware that was hanging on a display case. MOH thought this was hilarious, of course, but karma came back to bite her in the a** when she knocked over a Nambe crystal vase. As I was looking over the Nambe silverware, I saw the whole thing happen. It was like watching a movie in slow motion -- I saw her ginormous red bag brush by the vase, her turn around with a look of shock and panic on her face, then came the loud crash (followed by her GASP!) and millions of pieces went flying everywhere. While she frantically looked for someone to explain the situation too, I was trying really hard not to burst out laughing. Fortunately, no one was made to pay for the vase, and everyone was very understanding. Somewhat humiliated, we left shortly after that.

My other registry experience was much more tame. FI and I established our Bed, Bath & Beyond registry last weekend, and the most interesting thing that happened there was FI "shooting" everything with the laser. It was quite the shock to see just exactly how much stuff he "shot" when I got home and looked at the registry online. It took almost as long to delete everything as it did to originally add it to the list. Somehow his idea of what we "need" and mine are very different (no, goldfish-shaped cracker holders are NOT a necessity).
Despite all of this, and my tinkering with them over the past week, I think I'm finally satisfied with both registries. It was actually a really stressful process. It's tough trying to balance what you want with what you need with what you think is reasonable for people. There's definitely a lot of "wish" items on the lists, but perhaps some people will go in together to buy a gift. Overall, I think that I have a good mix of items and prices between the two registries. Hopefully, my guests will feel the same way. At this point, though, I'm definitely making all changes online -- it's much safer for everyone (and everything) involved.
I think FI had the right idea. The more you ask for the more you'll get. Of course it may not be what you want or need. HA!HA!
I agree with Mom! Pick what you love and see what happens; people WANT you to love the gift they choose so don't settle.
And for the record, my bag is NOT ginormous and barely half the size of most - I'm just inept at wielding it properly (like most ladylike things).
I'm live, ya understand.
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