I just have to brag on my famous fiance! He runs a wildly popular Yankees website, http://www.nomaas.org/, that he created several years ago out of frustration with the Yankees' management. The title is a play on words of sorts -- it means "no more" in Spanish, but the extra "a" comes from Kevin Maas, who was a forgettable Yankee player. Recently, he was interviewed for a Newsday article on fan blogs and websites. NoMaas, being the most popular Yankees website outside the official one, was the featured site! I am very proud of him!! You can read the article here: http://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/yankees/ny-spyinsider0404,0,1804350.column He's "Sensei John Kreese."

1 comment:
Kuddos to your FI. I'm very proud of him. Smart boy you're marrying even if he is a Yankee!!!
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